*sno test från morgans blogg*
() You’re born in April
() You’ve been addicted to alcohol and/or drugs
() You’re a born leader
(x) You love drawing and you do it well
(x) You love singing
() You don’t take shit from anyone
() You’re afraid of needles
() You tend to dye your hair alot.
(x) You’ve got siblings and you love them
(x) You’re the oldest child
(x) You change a lot in different ways but you like it.
Total: 5 / 10
() You’re born in July
() You play the guitar
(x) You’ve got a scar on your head
() You can’t swim
() You’re 6’1”
() You’ve got a FRO!!!
(x) You’re shy D:
() You wear contact lenses
() You’re called mastermind or the quiet genius
(x) People do/used to laugh at you
(x) You love video games
Total: 4/10
() You’re born in September
(x) You play bass
() You’ve got asthma.
() You’re near-sighted
() You used to wear glasses but don’t need to anymore
(X) You feel an urge to stick a fork into a toaster
(x) You would try bringing a heater into the shower room with you to stay warm
....fast vänta då kanske jag dör men ok.
(x) Your knees are akward and you fall olot
(/) Your middle name begins with ‘J’ NEJ MEN MITT FÖRNAMN SÅ JAG FÅR EN HALV POÄNG FÖR DEN
(X) You love Anthrax and The Smashing Pumpkins
(x) You have/want a tattoo on your wrist
Total: 6 ½ / 10
() You’re born in October
(x) You love Halloween and horror things
(x) You would die for puppies (or as he says: ”puppy dogs”)
(x) Skittles and M&M’s are amazing
() You’re a vegetarian
() You’re quite small
(x) You can be extremely hyper and energetic
() You’re the youngest in your family and/or friendship “group”
(x) You admire Billie-Joe Armstrong
(/) You get ill olot
(x) You have/want a LOT of body art.
Total: 6 ½ / 10